Installing MobileFirst Platform Server v7.1 on WAS ND

Here's my latest article on Installing MobileFirst Platform Server v7.1 on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.  (Including Operational Analytics and Application Center).

If you've ever installed MFP using WLP you'll realise that it's very easy to do and very simple to get up and running.  In fact, if you've installed Eclipse and downloaded the MFP plug-in from the Marketplace, you will be using WLP under the covers.

Whilst MFP and WLP is great for development, if you want to go BIG, you need to install onto WAS ND.  Whilst this sounds simple enough, just replacing one Application Server for another, the difference between WLP and WAS ND is quite large and the skillsets are very different.

Follow through the steps I take you through in this set of Pages (with VIDEOS!) and let's de-mystify installing MFP onto WAS ND.
