I guess the time has come
I knew it was looming, I could see it on the horizon, getting slightly closer day by day, but, as we all know, you acknowledge it, you ignore it, you hope it won't happen. But it does. Of course it is inevitable. What am I talking about? The soon to be ending of my time on a 5.5year project, that I've dedicated my time to, in order to try to make a difference in the world. It's been a blast. I wished, as expected, to have " just that bit more time to finally get to pull things together to make that bigger difference ", but y'know, there does come a time when common-sense outweighs the financially driven objectives & goals of the consultancy company that you work for, I empathise with the client, the company I work for charge a lot, a hell of a lot ( 5-times more than I get paid - hey, they have "overheads" to pay, like the CEOs $23m bonus for not actually doing anything ), so I cannot blame them for making a tough call. It's not a problem, ...